日テレNEWS24『the SOCIAL』に取り上げていただきました。/Featured in NTV NEWS24 “the SOCIAL”.


5/15(水) 14:03配信



Nippon News Network(NNN)







Google Translation

The work “Kaisho-shi/Octopus”, created by the cut-out artist Riyo Fukuda in November last year and submitted to SNS. The fine pattern and three-dimensionality that were cut out of a piece of paper attracted attention, and more than 100,000 “likes” were collected.

Fukuda, who works for a watch repair company, lives with her husband and son of a junior high school student. Produced between work and housework. The method itself is very simple. Draft the back of the paper with a mechanical pencil and cut it out with a cutter. It is a steady production that takes an average of 1-2 months to complete the work.

Mr. Fukuda has been creating papercuts for 27 years. In recent years, it has been said that creative activities have changed due to the spread of smartphones and SNS.

Mr. Fukuda “Since the image of the smartphone has improved recently, delicate things are put on every corner (on the SNS), so everyone can see and react to it. I think. ”

This makes it easier to convey the charm of cutouts, and the range of activities such as selling works on the Web and solo exhibitions is expanding.

“Even if you draw an endless draft, it will end someday if you do it a centimeter a day. I think that it will be a great sense of accomplishment to the extent that it can be expressed with (paper) connected.”

【the SOCIAL viewより】

小さな頃から絵を描いたり、手先を使って何かを表現することが好きでした。約30年前に切り絵に出会い、それ以来、独学で作品作りを続けてきました。 1枚の紙という制限の中で、どこまで作品に命を込められるのか。生涯をかけて探求しています。


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